Public Call for Applying to Participate in the Process of Co-creating the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021 – 2023

Skopje, August 4th, 2020

Pursuant to Article 3 paragraph (2) items (5) and (6) from Decision to establish Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2018-2020, no. 03-1550/1 from 14.04.2020, in accordance with council session held on 29.07.2020, the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2018-2020 hereby announces

Public Call

for lodging applications to participate in the process of co-creation of the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023


During council session held on 29.07.2020, the Council of coordination and monitoring of the Open Government Partnership process and the National Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2018 – 2020 set forth Procedure for implementation of public consultations for development of new priorities and commitments within the “Open Government Partnership” process with an aim to secure timely, streamlined, inclusive and transparent process of co-creating the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023.

The public call should provide public consultatuons and possibility for stakeholders to apply to participate in the process of consultation and development of the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023 and to take park in work meetings for one or more priority areas anticipated under the current Action Plan 2018-2020 (Access to Information, Integrity and Good Governance, Fiscal Transparency, Open Data, Transparency at Local Level, Access to Justice and Climate Change), in the period of co-creation of the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021 – 2023.

In the process of consultations and co-creation of the new action plan, participants who have applied would be able to provide their input in identification and prioretization of key issues in the aforementioned priority areas and to propose solutions to overcome said issues.

Participant would provide their input by participating in working consultation groups, by following previously established work manner and dynamics. Participants will take part in all five meetings (timeframe and activities are available on the following LINK) and will have an opportunity to gain insight and inormation about the Open Government Partnership in the country and worldwide.

Participants must ensure that views and needs at local level are adequatly presented and included.

With a view to encourage consultations with stakeholders, in times when physical presence is limited due to COVID-19, electronic platforms will be used to organize consultations with stakeholders. This would allow two-way consultation and interaction with stakeholders about results from the work of the consultation groups by proposing and prioritizing issues and solutions.

Applications for participation in the process of consultation and co-creation of the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023 should be lodged electronically, on the following LINK or by delivery of filled FORM on the following e-address:

Applications should be lodged no later than 31.08.2020.


Ministry of Information Society and Administration