Fourth Session of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020

Skopje, July 31, 2020

On July 29, the fourth correspondence session of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020.

The fourth correspondence session noted attendance from: Maja Petkovska Leses – Cabinet of the Minister without Portfolio in Charge of Communications, Accountability and Transparency; German Filkov – Center for Civil Communications; Maja Konevska – State Commission for Prevention of Corruption; Misha Popovikj – Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis”; Goran Mojanoski – Ministry of Finance; Darko Antikj – Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women; Nadica Josifovski – Ministry of Information Society and Administration; Martin Todevski – Center for Change Management; Eli Chakar – Ministry of Local Self-Government; Blagica Dimitrovska – Association for Promotion and Development of Inclusive Society “Inkluziva”; Dushan Tomshikj – Ministry of Labour and Social Policy; Ivona Stalevska – Foundation Open Society Macedonia; Teodora Obradovikj Grncharovska – Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and Natasha Markovska – Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of North Macedonia – MANU.

MISA provided expert and administrative support for preparation, organization and implementation of the session.

In light of the initiation of the process of the fifth Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023, during this session the Council adopted the following documents: Procedure for Conducting Consultations with Stakeholders on Creation of New Priorities and Commitments Within the Process “Open Government Partnership” with timeframe, Public Call for Applying to Participate in the Process of Co-creating the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021 – 2023 with Form and Guidelines for conducting a questionnaire for assessment of implementation of measures under the National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020 and the need to include said measures in the new action plan.

During this session, the Council established a working group consisted of council members. The group in question was tasked to prepare materials deriving from the Procedure for Conducting Consultations with Stakeholders on Creation of New Priorities and Commitments Within the Process “Open Government Partnership”: plan for promotion of the public call, educational materials and criteria for assesing relevance and relation to OGP principles. Members of the working group are the following council members: Maja Petkovska Leses, German Filkov, Misha Popovikj, Darko Antikj, Nadica Josifovski, Martin Todevski, Eli Chakar, Blagica DImitrovska and Ivona Stalevska.

This approach is expected to provide systemized manner of planning and implementation of the consultation process, which, in turn, would ensure timely, streamlined, inclusive and transparent process of co-creation of the new National Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2021-2023.

Ministry of Information Society and Administration

Third Session of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020

Skopje, July 22, 2020

On July 20th, the third video session was held of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020.

The session was organized and chaired by Ms. Maja Petkovska Leses, co-chair of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process (Council) and National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020 (NAP).

A total of 11 Council members participated on the session, as well as Gordana Gapikj Dimitrovska – National Open Government Partnership Coordinator under the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA), Adrian Abazi and Stanislav Vasilevski – MISA; Aleksandra Cvetkovska – NDI; Bojan Vasilevski – Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia; Zlatko Atanasov – Parliamentary Institute – Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia; Aleksandra Jovevska Gjorgjovska – Instutute for Democracy “Societas Civilis“; Gorica Nadzinska – CPIA; Marija Nikolovska Arsovska and Kjendresa Sulejmani – Foundation Metamorphosis.

Two representatives of the expert and administrative unit under MISA and Ivona Stalevska from the Foundation Open Society Macedonia (Council member and coordinator of the OGP Civil Society Organizations Network) secured administrative and logistics support for preparation and organization of the session.

After adopting the proposed agenda, the working group established by the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and National OGP Action Plan 2018-2020 during a session held on 09.06.2020, with members: Darko Antikj from the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women, Ivona Staleska from Foundation Open Society Macedonia, Eli Chakar from Ministry of Local Self-Government, Gordana Gapikj Dimitrovska from the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, Sunchica Kostovska-Petrovska from Foundation Open Society Macedonia, Kjendresa Sulejmani and Marija Nikolovska Arsovska from Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis, tasked to prepare the proposed timeframe and manner of implementation of the process of co-creation of the Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2020-2022, notified the council members about the proposed dynamics and procedure for implementation of the process of co-creation and presented the draft documents: Proposed procedure for implementation of public consultations for creating new priorities and commitments within the “Open Government Partnership” process; documents deriving from the proposed procedure (Timeframe for preparation of NAP, forms to be filled – part of the co-creation procedure, Public call for application to participate in the process of co-creation of the National OGP Action Plan 2020 – 2022), as well as proposed guidelines for conducting a questionnaire to assess implementation of measures under National OGP Action Plans and the need to include said measures in the new action plan.

Council members reviewed and discussed the proposed documents. Upon necessary amendments in the contents, the council members decided to adopt the documents during a correspondence Council session on 29.07.2020. Voting would be conducted electronically by entering individual credentials of every Council member.

Furthermore, during the Council session, Aleksandra Cvetkovska from NDI presented ongoing activities in the process of co-creating commitments for Open Parliament, whereas Gorica Nadzinska from CPIA present ongoing activities in the process of co-creating commitments for Open Judiciary.

Ministry of Information Society and Administration

Online Training on Open Data

Skopje, 06 July 2020

As part of the USAID Civic Engagement Project, Foundation Metamorphosis, in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, organized a two-day online training on open data. The training was held on 29 and 30 June 2020.

The training noted participation of members of open data teams from the Ministry of Local Self-Government, State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, Public Revenue Office, Agency for Real Estate Cadastre and State Market Inspectorate.

















The open data training aimed to promote knowledge and skills of persons that would work on opening data in their respective institutions.

Within the two-day training, participants had the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge of the concept and benefits of open data and technical aspects of open data, including open data formats, data set structure, data quality dimensions and techniques of dataset filtering and anonymization.

During the training, members of open data teams in state institutions acquired advanced knowledge of the process of identification, cataloging and prioretization of datasets, as well as practical knowledge of the process of publishing datasets on the portal

The open data training is part of the activities implemented to secure technical support to certain institutions in the process of opening their data.

The USAID Civic Engagement Project is a five-year initiative with a budget of 9.4 million dollars, and is a leading programme of the USAID Office in North Macedonia for strengthening the dialogue between citizens and the covernment concerning significant issues that hold public interest.

Ministry of Information Society and Administration