Second Session of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership – OGP Process and National OGP Action Plan 2018 – 2020

Skopje, 11 June 2020

On 9 June, the second video-conference was held of the Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Process and the National OGP Action Plan 2018 – 2020.  The session covered consideration, discussion and votes on key issues about the Council’s operation, such as the Council Rules of Procedure and election of Council co-chairs, as well as the state-of-affairs, challenges and opportunities for the OGP process in the country, such as the implementation status of the National OGP Action Plan 2018 – 2020, preparation of timeframe proposal and manner of implementation of the OGP Action Plan 2020 – 2022 co-creation process and opportunities for support from the OGP Secretariat for the process.

All 14 Council members were invited and attended the session. Gordana Gapikj Dimitrovska, National OGP Coordinator for the Republic of North Macedonia, from the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) assumed the role of organizer and chair of this session. Upon invitation from MISA, Sandra Pernar, Regional OGP Coordinator for Europe also attended the conference. She introduced opportunities for support from the Open Government Secretariat for the OGP Action Plan 2020 – 2022 co-creation process.

Two representatives of MISA expert and administration service and Sunchica Kostovska-Petrovska from Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (Civil Society Network Coordinator for OGP) secured administrative and logistics support for preparation and organization of the session.

After adoption of the proposed agenda and the minutes from the Constitutive Council Session, held on 06.05.2020, Council members discussed and adopted the Council Rules of Procedure. Electronic vote was used to adopted the minutes and the Rules of Procedure.

By means of electronic vote, Council members also elected two Council co-chairs – one of the members representing state administrative bodies and one of the members representing civil society organizations. From the nominated two representatives of institutions and four representatives of civil society organizations, the Council elected its co-chairs: Maja Petkovska Leses from the cabinet of the minister without portfolio responsible for communications, accountability and transparency, and Martin Todevski from the Center for Change Management.

During this session, the Council also adopted the Proposal of Information on the Implementation Status of the National Open Government Partnership Action Plan 2018 – 2020 (semi-annual report for the period September 2019 – March 2020). The underlying aim of the report is to provide an overview of activities implemented by holders of commitments covered under the action plan (institutions).

With a view to prepare the timeframe proposal and manner of preparation of the OGP Action Plan 2020 – 2022 co-creation process, the Council established a working group that will prepare proposed dynamics and procedure for implementation of the new action plan co-creation process, by the next Council session. Members of the working group are Darko Antikj from the Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women – ESE, Ivona Stalevska from FOSM, Eli Chakar from the Ministry of Local Self-Government, Gordana G. Dimitrovska from MISA, Sunchica Kostovska-Petrovska from FOSM and representative of the Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis, that has anticipated activities under its programme and has secured funds from the USAID project on civil participation to support the plan co-creation process.

Assuming the role of regional coordinator for Europe, Sandra Pernar from the International OGP Initiative Secretariat presented opportunities for support from the OGP Secretariat for the OGP Action Plan 2020 – 2022 co-creation process. Moreover, she also stressed the fact that the Republic of North Macedonia is a focus country in the new three-year OGP Strategy. After past year’s secured support for establishment of the Council, this year the OGP Secretariat will support co-creation of the new 2020 – 2022 Action Plan, as well as the process of implementation thereof in the following period. Support will be secured by the independent reporting mechanism team and other partners and team from the Open Government Partnership Secretariat, with a view to assist the progress and the focus of the new action plan, to assist working groups and the Council in setting forth priorities and preparing commitments in the new action plan for the forthcoming two-year period. Support will include mentorship, workshops and expert assistance. Ms. Pernar noted that the Republic of North Macedonia already notes high assessments for the process, and the support will support attainment of even higher levels.

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The Council for Coordination and Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership Process and the National Open Government Action Plan 2018 – 2020 is an advisory body for Open Government Partnership in the Republic of North Macedonia, for coordination and monitoring of development and implementation of action plans. It has key advisory and decision-making role in all phases of the Open Government Partnership Process, through the cycle of planning, in development of action plans and in implementation, monitoring and reporting on action plans.

Open Government Partnership   is a voluntary international initiative that aims to provide specific commitments from governments to their citizens, to promote transparency, encourage civic participation, fight against corruption and utilize new technologies to strengthen good governance.

Our country is member of the 2011 initiative and has adopted four national action plans (in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018). OGP government activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA).

To become part of the OGP initiative, member-states prepare two-year national action plans developed by means of public consultations, regularly report on progress, work together with civil society to attain anticipated commitments, and commit to independent reports about their progress. The preparation process of the OGP Action Plan is inclusive, meaning that different stakeholders give their input in the process, including public administration, civil society, local governments, business sector and the academia.


Ministry of Information Society and Administration