North Macedonia Recognized as Positive Example During the Global Open Government Partnership Summit in Ottawa, Canada

Ottawa, May 30th, 2019

The Minister of Information Society and Administration, Damjan Manchevski and Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mila Carovska, attended the launch of the sixth Global Open Government Partnership Summit. This year, the Summit is held in Ottawa, Canada, and is expected to be attended by high representatives of governments and civil society organizations from around the world in the following two days.

North Macedonia was pointed out as positive example in terms of reforms concerning access to justice. During the event, this was also recognized by the Open Government Partnership Support Unit, as well as by the president of Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard.

“10% of action plans for OGP now connect access to justice to open government. In North Macedonia, the Government is supporting four independent centers of access to justice, targeting marginalized groups and providing legal empowerment training to government officials”, said Gaspard.

Video is available on the following link:













Ministry of Information Society and Administration


The Ministry of Information Society and Administration Organized a Work Meeting with Open Data Officials from Public Sector Bodies and Institutions

Skopje, May 23rd, 2019

Today, the Ministry of Information Society and Administration organized a work meeting with open data officials from public sector bodies and institutions.

The meeting was held as part of regular activities undertakend in the open data process, with a view to ensure coordination and streamlined application of measures and acitivities anticipated under the Open Data Strategy and Action Plan 2018 – 2020, as well as to ensure adequate compliance with provisions under the Law on Utilization of Public Sector Data.

The meeting also included a presentation of the open data portal, following which the participants discussed topics related to technical aspects and manners of publication of information, registration, and possible obstacles during publication.

With a view to support institutions involved in this process, MISA also provided additional guidelines for opening data and promoting quality of open data.

Ministry of Information Society and Administration